Camphora Consulting Biography: Zsolt Nemeth is a serial entrepreneur and angel investor who set up businesses in cyber security. His main interest is cryptography and network security. He founded MDS Ltd in the UK. He has consulted for financial institutions and built up bespoke solutions for them. After selling the company he has founded MDS Holding that has scouted, bought and licenced technologies. Now he runs Camphora Llc with offices in Hungary and Luxemburg. He consults for venture capital companies and universities in technology transfer and innovation management. He is building a new company based on a network security technology. He has 7 years of experience in cyber security, particularly cryptography. Zsolt holds a Master of Science degree in Economics from Szechenyi Istvan University and a Master of Science degree in Applied Mathematics from Ecole National Superieure. Abstract: Stuxnet-like attacks blooming: new Scada threats discovered Scada systems are found in a variety of industrial plants ranging from water and waste treatment to food and pharmaceuticals and even nuclear power plants. These types of vulnerabilities pose significant threats to critical infrastructure.The security of these systems is getting worse and is big concern day by day. Combining traditional exploits with industrial control systems allows attackers to weaponize malicious code, as demonstrated with Stuxnet. The attacks against Iran’s nuclear facilities were started by a sequence of events that delayed the proliferation of nuclear weapons. SCADA became a hot topic and several security researchers agree that more exploits will come. Application security management firm Idappcom reported 52 new threats in March targeted at supervisory control and data acquisition (Scada) systems of the sort hit by the infamous Stuxnet worm. A Russian security (GLEG) company plans to release an upgraded exploit pack for industrial control software that incorporates a raft of new vulnerabilities released by an Italian security researcher ( |
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