
The International Cyber Center (ICC) at George Mason University facilitates
strategic collaboration and information sharing to better identify, coordinate
among stakeholders, and address national and international priorities and
issues related to information and communications technologies (ICT), often
referred to as “cyber.”  


These issues include:

· Risk

· Response/preparedness

· IT proliferation and national cyber security (and CERT) capacity building

· Malicious activity and cyber crime

· Research and development


The international focus of the center underscores the international scope of the
ICT challenges.  We will partner aggressively to help create or clarify strategic vision and plans on issues and priorities where it is lacking, and strengthen and implement strategies that do exist.  To prioritize ICC initiatives, research, and workshops we will emphasize the importance of identifying key stakeholders, leveraging past work and current efforts, building and strengthening communities of interest, creating a
ction proposals, and partnering to seek funding to drive progress.  

Data Rooms


Data rooms provide dedicated digital environments for managing sensitive business information during critical transactions. A merger and acquisition security checklist incorporated into these systems facilitates precise vulnerability assessments and reinforces the integrity of confidential data throughout each phase of a deal. This systematic approach aligns with contemporary cybersecurity protocols and enhances risk management during high-profile corporate activities.  

ICC Initiatives


1.  Strategic approach to global ICT risk, preparedness, malicious activity, and research and development

            Beginning with the international cyber security R&D symposium in March 2008 with participation of the ICT security executives from European Commission, NITRD, DHS and DOD, and the strategic cyber workshop at the National Defense University in January 2009 in Washington, DC, ICC is attempting to partner with other organizations and individuals to help grow or strengthen one or more communities of interest to:

  • develop an internationally coordinated, strategic approach and governance framework to assess and reduce ICT risk to the global information infrastructure;
  • build and strengthen regional and global collaboration and information sharing to better detect, respond to, and recover from cyber attacks (see CERT capacity building below);
  • systematically collect and share data across government and the private sector on the most significant malicious actors in cyberspace, and work strategically and proactively to apprehend the wrongdoers, sanction those who enable them knowingly or unwittingly, mitigate the vulnerabilities that facilitate the wrongdoing, and prioritize development of more trustworthy connections; and
  • promote formulation and execution of strategic ICT research and development plans to better assess and mitigate ICT risk and preparedness, and to address the long-term hard problems faced by the global community in cyberspace.

2.  National cyber security and CERT/CSIRT capacity building in the developing world

            The ICC has identified ICT infrastructure development as a major priority for the developing world, and the importance of building in security and resilience as a critical component of such development.  The developed and emerging nations of the world have a common interest in promoting national cyber security capacity, in general, and CERTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams) and CSIRTs (Computer Emergency Response Teams), in particular.  To help build and strengthen this global community of interest, and seek funding to drive real progress, the ICC is executing a Memorandum of Understanding with the Cert Coordination Center of Carnegie Mellon University, and the CERTS of Hungary and Japan, to promote CERT/CSIRT capacity building in the developing world. 

            The ICC has identified the continent of Africa as a first priority for this effort and seeks partners to inform this effort, and to collaborate with, to seek funding and drive progress for this initiative.  

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