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Terry L. Janssen

Science and Technology Advisor, Network Warfare Center, EUCOM


Terry Janssen has over 30 years of experience in network defense, exploitation and attack, other Information Technologies, which includes several areas of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Software and Systems Engineering: data network and system architecture, database, data and text mining, semantic technology and ontology, precision search and discovery, natural language processing, evidential reasoning, decision analysis/theory, expert systems/AI, collaboration (Web 2.0 and 3.0), and others. Currently he is on a 21 month US European Command assignment, from the Northern Virginia (Metro DC) area where he lives when not TDY, with his wife and family, and where he is employed as a Principal System Engineer and a Chief Technologist at Lockheed Martin. His long career has primarily been focused on advancing national and global security using advanced technology, with his current assignment being Science and Technology Advisor at the Network Warfare Center, EUCOM. 

Prior to Lockheed he was an independent consultant that provided research and development, and consulting focused on advanced information technology. During this period he had continuous and overlapping contracts with clients including NSA, MITRE, NASA, North Carolina State University, Purdue University, Raytheon, TRW, Unisys, University of Chicago, University of Florida, USDA, George Mason University (GMU). Most were subcontracts involving DoD and intelligence community. During this time he was also a Distinguished Visiting Research Professor at GMU’s Volgenau School of Engineering and Technology, part-time during the day, and Adjunct Faculty, teaching evening classes. 

From 1992 until June of 1998 he was a Decision and Information Scientist and Program Manager for the Decision and Information Sciences Division of Argonne National Laboratory. Argonne is a national laboratory managed by the University of Chicago for the U.S. Department of Energy. During this period, he was responsible for the application of advanced technologies including networking, security, artificial intelligence, decision theory, modeling, simulation, relational and object-oriented database, graphic user interface, and collaborative work environments. He managed problem definition, technology assessment, and system engineering for the application of these advanced technologies to difficult problems faced by Government and Industry. He was Sole Inventor on U.S. Patent held by Argonne and the U.S. Department of Energy. 

Prior to Argonne he was a Program Manager and Senior Computer Scientist at Computer Sciences Corporation (1/85 through 12/91), where he was responsible for research, development and application of advanced information technologies. CSC awarded him the CSC Honorarium award.

He has a Ph.D in Information Technology from George Mason University and has given many technical talks and authored over 50 publications mainly in journals and books, in additional to technical reports under contracts, including many at TS/SCI for DOD and the Intelligence Community. He has a wife of 40 years and a loving family.


Bringing Governments, Industry and Academia Closer Together to Assure Global Cyber Security

The United States European Command (USEUCOM), along with NATO, has many responsibilities that include strategy, policy, and technology concerning cyber security in it’s area of responsibility (AOR), including international implications for cyber security and privacy. The topics I propose to overview from a USEUCOM perspective include the following conference topic areas:

• International Cyber Security Governance
• Policy, technology, human factors in cyber security
• Cyber warfare, intelligence, defense and preparedness
• Cyber risk assessment and reduction
• Cyber crime and other malicious activity

In my talk I will give my perspectives on these issues based my work at USEUCOM, but I will not be speaking officially for the US Government. I will include a discussion of these issues in relation to the recently formed US Cyber Command (CYBERCOM), a sub unified command under the US Strategic Command (STRATCOM), CYBERCOM together with USEUCOM has the lead role of the US forces to protect networks and global stability and to be adequately prepared for cyber defense, exploitation and attack. I will stress the importance of international cooperation of governments to assure global stability, and the importance of embracing academia and industry in developing with new, innovative technology to make our networks secure. A primary value this Workgroup to me is that it will provide interaction and networking with other subject matter experts. My primary focus is on academia and industry, however I will mention how USEUCOM is helping bring nation state leaders together, all for success in the global cyber security imperative.
