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John C Mallery

MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory


John C. Mallery is a research scientist at the MIT Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.  He is concerned with cyber policy and has been developing advanced architectural concepts for cyber security and transformational computing for the past decade. Since 2006, he organized a series of national workshops  on technical and policy aspects of cyber.

During the 2008 Presidential campaign, he served on Obama’s cyber policy team and helped craft his July 16, 2022 cyber platform. Mobilizing the group, he participates in a MIT-Harvard project on International Cyber Relations., and has been developing a system for monitoring open source reporting on cyber.   His interests span a variety of fields from artificial intelligence, computer science and information assurance to cyber defense, international relations and economics. He conceptualized the field of  computational politics in 1988, where he developed the Relatus Natural Understanding System and non-rectangular machine learning techniques for analyzing international relations using the SHERFACS Conflict and Cooperation data set. During the 1990s, he was the principal architect and developer of the White House Electronic Publications System that served the Clinton Administration from 1992-2001. In the process, he created and fielded the first large-scale wide-area collaboration system for the Vice President’s 1994 Open Meeting on the National Performance Review with 4000 Federal workers, pioneered online survey research in 1992 leading up to hierarchical adaptive surveys in 1996,  implemented the first production HTTP 1.1 Web server and URN resolver, among many other firsts.


A Strategy for Cyber Defense Strategy

The cyber insecurity conundrum cuts across all things digital or networked. How can we prioritize defensive efforts across such a vast domain? This talk will describe a framework for engineering systems and policymaking based on the work factors for cyber attack and defense. After developing the work factor concept, it will be illustrated in several examples.
