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Benoit Morel

Department of Engineering and Public Policy 
Carnegie Mellon University 


Benoît Morel did a PhD in Theoretical Physics in Geneva (Switzerland). He then went as a post doc in Physics at Harvard and Caltech, before moving into Security in Stanford. After Stanford he joined the faculty of Carnegie Mellon University, where he has been since. His teaching in cybersecurity started around 2000. His present interest is on cybersecurity policy and in particular its international dimension.


A chess player perspective on “resilience”

The interest in resilience in cybersecurity stems from the fact that cybersecurity is too complicated for easy technological solutions to be the answer. The complexity of the cyberthreat environment calls for a paradigm shift in security and resilience can be seen as a component of that shift. In that talk, we use the parallel of Chess (a game in a sense, too complicated for the human brain, but where intelligent strategy can be used for good results). We use that parallel to discuss a variety of unsolved cybersecurity problems.